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- <HEAD>
- ModPassenger
- </TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY>
- <H2>ModPassenger</H2>
- It is a detailed set of modern passenger train silhouettes
- <P>
- This font is a virtual railroad for your printer. You will need a
- high resolution printer to truly appreciate this font. The screen bit
- map isn't the best , but load up the PostScript and print out a copy of
- "MP_MAP.WRI" to see all the living detail in full heart stopping color
- (well, I get carried away, but you get the idea). Now you can add the
- finest passenger trains to your documents.
- <P>
- Modern Passenger font will allow you to hook up your own
- Amtrak trains on your printed documents. For the time being, the
- font may not look that good on screen. After pulling and tweaking
- the PostScript font for so long, I really did not feel like spending
- another ten hours on the bit map. (still haven't gotten to the bit map,
- I just went on to other fonts)
- <P>
- I took a little bit of a break after releasing my passenger and
- freight fonts to the net. Most of the response to the first two fonts
- has been positive. Only four people have sent in the shareware fee
- during the first four months of release. I hope that more people are
- enjoying my fonts though. I am looking forward to the day that I
- open a railfan news letter and find my fonts staring back at me.
- <P>
- There were a few holes in the passenger train font. I liked the
- font, but I felt that there was something lacking the day that I
- released it. I wanted to include modern passenger train equipment.
- Since most of the trains I see are in the west, when I think of
- Amtrak, I think of Superliner cars. Thus, most of this font is devoted
- to Superliner cars. I also tossed in a couple of odds and ends that
- didn't make it into the passenger font and aren't really modern
- passenger equipment, but.... Maybe you won't notice the fact that
- the RDC's and the commuter cars have been around for over thirty
- years and are not too modern. I was tossing around the idea of
- including the X-2000 and the ICE, but those trains just seemed so
- dated. I might do a high speed rail font if I am not sick to death of
- trains after I do all of the other fonts I am talking about, we will
- have to wait and see.
- <P>
- There are four different locomotives, two commuter cars, three
- RDC's and eight passenger cars. Each locomotive and car is assigned
- to a different key. For each locomotive, lower case corresponds to
- facing leftward and upper case corresponds to facing rightward. For
- the rest of the cars, lower and upper case characters will be opposite
- sides of the same car, but there is no real distinction between
- forward and backward. In some cases, it is a small distinction
- between left and right, but, it is included for completeness. After
- loading the font, you should print out a copy of "MP_MAP.WRI" for a
- sample of the font and to see which characters map to which keys.
- <P>
- My logic for assigning the characters was to put the
- locomotives in the upper left corner of the keyboard. I put the
- Superliner cars and other equipment that you would find in a typical
- Amtrak train along the middle row, a-k. In the lower left, I put the
- RDC's. The commuter cars are in the upper right.
- <P>
- <P>
- Nothin'... well that isn't totally true, I updated the
- documentation, but this is one of the two fonts I didn't mess with.
- Also added .AFM files for OS/2 and Unix users.
- <HR>
- Font Formats:
- <UL>
- <LI> <a href="ADOBE.html">Adobe</a> (Type 1 [pfa & pfb], Type 3, Bitmap)
- <LI> <a href="DMF.html">DMF</a> (+ bitmap)
- <LI> <a href="INTELLIFONT.html">IntelliFont</a>
- <LI> <a href="TRUETYPE.html">Truetype</a>
- </UL>
- Font ID: 22536
- <P>
- Directory: Deco/Akka
- <HR>
- Modern Passenger font, all of its accompanying files and train
- icon are copy right 1994, Benn Coifman. (that looks so nasty now that
- I typed it)
- <PRE>
- Revisions:
- 1.0 The original
- 1.1 Revised address
- 2.0 FIXED a compatibility problem- some printers would not
- recognize my fonts as being different entities, now you should not
- see any conflicts between fonts. Added the IBM version. Cleaned up
- all of the characters. You shouldn't see any change, but your printer
- should.
- 2.1 Revised the documentation. Added .AFM files for OS/2 and
- Unix users
- </PRE>
- This font uses the following keys for various locomotives and cars:
- q, Q, w, W, e, E, r, R, a, A, s, S, d, D, f, F, g, G, h, H, j, J, k, K,
- o, O, p, P, z, Z, x, X, c, C
- <P>
- If you use this font in publication or on a product, please let me
- know. It is always interesting to hear the clever uses people have
- had for my fonts. (I would also love a copy of your publication for
- my scrap book)
- <P>
- <P> You are free to use (play with, throw at the cat, etc.) this font
- for one week after receiving it. If you like it and decide to keep it,
- you should send a US $10 "shareware" fee to myself at the address
- below (for international users, see item 4 in "The Fine Print"). Please
- include a brief note describing where you got this font, what you like
- about it, and what you would like to see in the future.
- <P> If you just have to have the full collection of my train fonts
- (see "Product Ad"), send a couple of FORMATTED 3.5" HD disks (Two
- HD for Mac, or One HD for IBM recommended) and a SELF ADDRESSED
- STAMPED ENVELOPE to the address below. (I hate to format disks
- and you will be sure to get the right machine, Mac or IBM, this way)
- <P> I do not want to send any of my customers into bankruptcy, if
- you are honestly poor, (i.e., you ain't gonna support the American
- way and my education) please send a post card (the weirder the
- better) describing where you got this font, what you like about it and
- what you would like to see added to it.
- <UL>
- <LI>Each font or icon package is an individual product. Thus, if you
- keep Passenger Font and Freight Font, you should pay $20, not $10.
- <LI>You may NOT use this font in any publication or any product unless
- you register your copy by sending $10 FOR EACH FONT YOU USE. Be
- sure to specify which fonts you are registering for. It is not fair for
- you to make money off of my hard work without paying the
- Shareware fees.
- <LI>If you decide to keep several of my shareware products and you are
- only using them for personal applications (or you are using them for
- a struggling NONPROFIT organization promoting railroads), then $10
- a piece can get to be a bit expensive. Please pay what you think they
- are worth. I recommend $10 for the first font and $5 for each
- additional font.
- <LI>If you do not reside in the US, then getting a check in US$ may be
- difficult for you. So, I will also accept any interesting widgets, toys,
- books, time tables, postcards or what not. What's common place to
- you is quite possibly exotic for me. By the way, I'm a rail fan (hint
- hint hint)
- <LI>You may distribute this font for free, however, you may not sell this
- font or include it in any package for sale without the written
- permission of myself, Benn Coifman. I am very agreeable to CD
- ROM's and shareware packages for sale, however, I do want to retain
- some degree of control over my work. So, please contact me first.
- (note, this clause does NOT apply to dial up services like Compuserve,
- America On Line and bulletin boards that charge by the unit of time.
- Theses services may list my products without contacting me)
- </UL>
- <P> Well, I am releasing this font in it's entirety. I put a lot of hard
- work into this font. I have also gotten a lot of pleasure from it.
- Ignoring all of the capitalistic angles, your shareware dollar will
- speed up the development of new train fonts and help me afford
- new font tools. My goal is to at least break even.
- <P> Only 39 people have registered my shareware products since I
- first released them ten months ago. There are a lot of expenses that
- go into these fonts. My font editor cost almost $300. Then there are
- the little expenses like ink cartridges (you wouldn't believe how
- many ink cartridges I go through) and paying for a mail box. Oy!
- And you want to talk about memory... 40 Meg of hard disk devoted
- to fonts and icon development.
- <P> I would love to purchase the latest version of Illustrator and
- produce more clip art. I could also use more disk space to keep these
- toys in.
- <P>
- <P> Enough of what shareware fees do for me, what will they do for
- you!? I will spend less time on school and more time on producing
- shareware. You will also be entitled to a peek into things to come. If
- you send a disk (or two) along with your payment, I will give the
- Demo font that includes all of the odd characters that haven't quite
- found a home yet (including a number of steam engines!). In
- addition, I will rush you out the most recent versions of my fonts
- and icons. I might even toss in a couple of pre-release fonts.
- <P>
- <P>
- I am willing to do custom work, as my time allows, at reasonable
- rates.
- <PRE>
- Benn Coifman
- ASUC Box 624 # 4510,
- Bancroft & Telegraph
- Berkeley, CA 94720-4510
- </PRE>
- --Please include your e-mail address with all correspondence--
- (very handy for notifying you of new releases)
- zephyr@cory.eecs.berkeley.edu
- or
- zephyr@uclink.berkeley.edu
- <HR>